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The 3 C’s Important to Convenience Store Waste Management

Waste Harmonics

Still in the height of summer, it’s never been a busier time for convenience store owners and operators, as travelers and families hit the road to fit in one last trip or vacation before the fall and back-to-school season officially sets in. This influx of travelers leads to an increase in traffic for convenience stores, which are a staple stop along the way to nearly any destination, whether to fuel up on gas, grab a quick bite to eat, use the restroom or throw away the trash that’s been piling up in the car.

For an industry that continues to grow at exponential rates, this seasonality and the increase in traffic it brings can test convenience store waste management operations on a new level. To streamline your waste removal services and operations for an improved customer experience for weary travelers, think within the context of the “3 C’s” framework when it comes to your waste management and recycling needs—consolidation, customer service and compliance—to keep your store running smoothly from season to season.


Say you’re a convenience store that started out small with only one to two locations within your entire footprint and now you’ve expanded to 20 or more locations across one or multiple states. As you grow, your vendor networks and services not only expand, but the volume of waste your stores generate will also increase. This higher output of waste can become a pain point to manage effectively in the long term to ensure that each location across your network is maintaining its facilities with similar waste removal and recycling standards and procedures.

Leveraging the capabilities of a holistic managed waste services provider as your main point of contact can streamline those services for you as you set your sights on continued growth and expansion. An all-inclusive team can handle everything from setting up your store with the proper waste receptacles and equipment to coordinating with haulers in the area to synchronize trash removal, consolidate your invoices and more—all while leveraging the latest recycling and sustainability expertise to minimize your business’ impact on the environment.

Customer Service

Having a dedicated team and main point of contact that fully understands your stores’ operations can also help lessen the operational challenges that surround waste removal, regardless of spikes in seasonality. At one point in time, we’ve all likely experienced calling a customer service line and either reaching an automated representative or getting filtered to a call center where you hope your message will be received or reach the right person. A managed waste services provider that centers customer care at the outset can provide a more personalized, one-to-one approach so your calls don’t get lost.

Since there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to waste management, leveraging the convenience of a managed waste services provider with dedicated customer service representatives who understand your business and various locations means you’ll have a partner who can work with you in a timely and efficient manner to either find a resolution or identify the most optimal and cost-effective services for your convenience store. Managing a full-scale network of convenience stores may have its complexities, but tackling your waste removal and recycling needs doesn’t have to be with a centralized customer service team.


The more expansive your stores’ footprint is, the more challenging it can become to ensure you remain compliant with new recycling laws and regulations that are rolled out from state to state. Depending on where you’re located, some states also have stricter compliancy regulations that can filter down to additional mandates at the county level within any given area. Staying current and educated on the latest policies can become a task in and of itself. Rather than questioning whether your locations are compliant with all regulations, work with a team of experts who stay up to date on the latest guidelines and who can provide the reassurance to help you put the right systems in place to avoid any pesky fines.

If you’re experiencing challenges in any of these areas, consider reaching out to our team for a complimentary consultation.